
We are interested in understanding the correlation between different raw attributes among Pokémon; for example, does a higher HP pokemon tend to also have a higher attack power?

We will be working with a Pokémon dataset from ( This dataset includes information on 721 Pokémon, including number, name, type, and statistics such as HP, Attack, Defense, etc., i.e. the raw attributes that are used to calculate how much damage each Pokémon will do in the game.

The visualization will be an interactive scatter plot where the user can select two attributes to plot against each other, which will allow the user to determine graphically if what kind of correlation exists, if any, between two attributes. The points can be color-coded based on Pokémon type or potentially using sprite icons as each point.

Additional interactions:

Explanation of Visualization:

Given that there are several attributes of the pokemon, we want the user to be able to explore all the pairwise relationships. To do so, we use an interactive scatter plot. The user can select what variable to plot on the x-axis and what variable to plot on the y-axis. The data points are colored according to the type of the Pokemon (Grass, Water, Rock, etc).

When the user hovers over a data point the name of the pokemon appears in the top right hand corner of the graph. When the user clicks on the data point, a picture of the pokemon appears on the right of the graph and shows the pokemon type, the stats, and blurb about the pokemon, just like a Pokédex would. The background color of the Pokédex matches with the type of the pokemon.

Analysis of Dataset:

We note that Chansey has way more HP than any of the other pokemon. Mewtwo has the largest total stat which is expected given that he is the best Pokemon in the game. We see a moderate positive linear relationship between HP and total. It is interesting that there is not as much clustering of the stats based on Pokemon type as I would have expected. Generally, rock pokemon have higher defense. Electric pokemon have higher speed. Water pokemon have higher attack. One possible explanation for this is that the stats for the pokemon might have been from different levels that that could be a confounding variable.

Click a pokemon on the chart for more of its information