a perpetual shift

 a life in        constant motion

Hey there. My name is Brian. If you're here, you've probably come here through a link on my resumé or something. I'm currently in the process of rethinking this space and what I want to do with it, so it's a bit empty for now. But welcome, regardless.

About me

I'm currently a data analyst at a consumer electronics company. Used to: learn statistics from some really smart people (teaching ability varied), run digital marketing campaigns. Since the pandemic started, I've developed a daily yoga and healthy movement practice which is big focus of mine right now. If you work a desk job, highly recommend! Take care of your body, please - it's the only one you've got.

Time traveler

If you've come here in search of examples of my work, feel free to travel to past versions of this website below. Most likely you're looking for V5, but the archives go way back to when this place was nothing but black on white text and pictures. Please note that this hasn't been kept up to date, unfortunately. But if you want to learn more about me and my current work, feel free to reach out! Always open to connect.
V1 | V2 | V3 | V4 | V5

Contact me

E-mail me: brianwang92(at)gmail(dot)com